Interested in Spooky Halloween Contact Lenses?

Not all contact lenses are made the same! Contact lenses are FDA approved medical devices for the purpose of vision correction. This includes soft and hard (RGP, scleral) contact lenses. Unless you are obtaining your contact lenses straight from your eye doctor’s office, there is no guarantee that the contact lenses you purchased (no, gas station and Halloween Store contact lenses are not safe) are FDA approved medical devices.

Some complications our doctors have seen with non-approved Halloween Contact Lenses:

  1. Poor fit: if a contact lens is not evaluated appropriately during a contact lens evaluation, it’s possible it does not fit correctly on the eye. There is no “one size fits all.”

  2. Poor oxygen transmission to the eye: Your eyes need to breathe, even with contact lenses on them! The material that your contact lenses are made of matters- it should be an approved material that allows proper oxygen to your eye. 

  3. Infection (bacterial, acanthamoeba and/or fungal keratitis): This is potentially serious and vision threatening condition that can result from an improperly fitting contact lens, or worse, an improper lens material. 

  4. Allergic reaction: Allergic reaction can be more than just itching in the eye. Serious cases of keratitis can result from allergy to material or the solution the contact lens is stored in. 


Please be careful with your precious eyes and vision this Spooky season!

Ask our doctors at Avant Eyes which contacts may be right for you this Halloween season.

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