Dry Eye Quiz

Take Our Dry Eye Quiz

Do you experience any of the following: irritation, burning, tearing, blurred vision?

Do you wear/have you worn contact lenses?

Have you had any eye surgery (LASIK, cataract removal, retina surgery/injections, glaucoma surgery)?

Report the FREQUENCY of the above-checked symptoms as Never, Sometimes, Often, or Constant using the numbering system below:
​​​​​​​0 = Never
1 = Sometimes
2 = Often
3 = Constant

Dryness, Grittiness, or Scratchiness

Soreness, or Irritation

Burning, or Watering

Eye Fatigue

Report the SEVERITY of your symptoms using the rating list below:
0 = No Problems
1 = Tolerable - not perfect, but not uncomfortable
2 = Uncomfortable - irritating, but does not interfere with my day
3 = Bothersome - irritating and interferes with my day
4 = Intolerable - unable to perform my daily tasks

Dryness, Grittiness, or Scratchiness

Soreness, or Irritation

Burning, or Watering

Eye Fatigue

Grading scale:

< 6 normal

> 6 abnormal

Your SPEED score is carefully evaluated alongside your risk factors.

Contact Info

ArleeVa123! none 9:00 am - 5:00 pm 9:00 am - 5:00 pm 10:00 am - 6:00 pm By Appointment Only 9:00 am - 5:00 pm By Appointment Only
Only Select Saturdays, please call ahead Closed optometrist # # https://www.facebook.com/avanteyes/ https://goo.gl/maps/FyfQiHZYPtwzQeqTA https://www.avanteyes.com/request-an-appointment.html